Principal’s Greeting


AOI Japanese Language School was established by the Aoikai Group, which operates a number of medical and elderly care facilities in and around Abiko City, and works closely with local communities to provide contributions to their residents. As we look to the globalized society of the future, we are working together with local communities to help create a multicultural society.
The Japanese language school we operate helps maintain Abiko’s environment as a safe and secure city with a low crime rate and makes every effort to integrate into the community. Conveniently located with easy access to Tokyo and Narita Airport, Abiko boasts an abundance of nature, including Lake Teganuma, the natural lake nearest to Tokyo, and has an environment that is well-suited to student life. Here in Abiko, where literary luminaries such as Naoya Shiga and Saneatsu Mushanokoji penned their tales, we provide a learning environment that enables young people with dreams of coming to Japan to create new stories of their own.